Image;:Vijay BhikaVasave

Case Story

Vijay Bhika Vasave

KeSVF acknowledges caregivers' critical role in supporting and ensuring patients' well-being. While caregiving is an act of profound dedication, it's equally important to recognize its challenges and ensure that caregivers receive adequate support and care.In 2022, when 39-year-old Vijay Vasave experienced paralysis on his left side, it was a devastating blow for his mother and wife. However, they both wanted to support Vijay in his treatment journey. Their world turned upside down as they witnessed him confined to bed.Team KeSVF has identified the need for Caregiver support at an early stage of intervention. As part of their psychosocial support efforts, the team provided emotional assistance and emphasized the importance of distributing caregiving duties between Vijay’s wife and mother to prevent burnout. The team also ensured that the caregivers’ motivation was supported by skills like training them in physiotherapy exercises for Vijay, education on the right hygiene practices, and self-care for both caregivers. We are pleased to report that Vijay’s condition has significantly improved. Due to the unwavering dedication and hard work of his wife and mother, Vijay is now capable of handling his basic daily tasks and even makes slow daily walks to his electric shop. He hopes that one day he will return to managing his shop as he did before his stroke. While the Vasave family expresses gratitude to team KeSVF, we are reminded of Dr.Rajagopal’s quote on Caregiving "Engaging the community is key. There are enough and more people willing to help. All they need is a little support and training, through them, so much of the burden on patients and their families can be lightened”.